
ClipArtPlace has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for BuClipArtPlace .

How We Use Data:

ClipArtPlace may require user information (such as your name and email address). Some of the requested information is required in order to receive certain ClipArtPlace services; other information is optional.

Ways we use data:

We use data to send personalized, targeted information to the user in their email messages or on our website; to send targeted advertising and promotions in our opt-in newsletters that allows us to provide our service to the users; to send confirmation of profile changes; to contact users for feedback and surveys; and to send users news about ClipArtPlace, including updates of new or enhanced services. We never send unsolicited spam to our users.

We have security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. We protect your information by placing it on a secure portion of the Site and by regularly backing up data, performing consistency checks with independently recorded log files to prevent tampering, and restricting access to information on our servers via several user authentication technologies. While it is our goal to safeguard personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us, and you submit such information at your own risk and absolve us of any liability. While we do take steps to limit them, our systems, like all computers, are susceptible to “hackers” and others who illegally seek and gain access to information stored on the computers’ hard drives and other memory storage devices.

I.P. Addresses/Operating System/Browser Type:

When you visit ClipArtPlace or click on one of our links, we may automatically record your I.P. address, operating system, and browser version. We use this information to generate usage statistics and to ensure that our site and emails are accessible to the widest possible audience. We may also use I.P. addresses to track abuse of our system and for system administration, diagnostic analysis, site tracking and reporting of aggregate usage information.

Third-Party Links:

This site (and our emails) may contain links to other sites. ClipArtPlace is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of other Web sites.

Disclosure of Data:

We request demographic information:

(1. ) To tailor our subscribers’ ClipArtPlace experience. With this information we can provide our users with content we think they might be interested in. We believe we will be able to provide users with a better service if demographic information is provided.

(2.) We collect certain information from you in order to process your order. We require your name and email address. We never transfer, sell, or use the information we collect from you to third parties.

(3.) We will divulge your private information if required to do so by law and/or to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud and situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person.

Furthermore, we may provide your personal information to the police or other investigating agencies to assist them in the investigation of any suspected violations of law. We also have the right to share your name and contact information with our attorneys in the event of serious violations of conduct or copyright infringements.

If served with a subpoena, search warrant, or court order, we would be compelled to provide the required information. We may or may not provide you with the existence of the subpoena, search warrant or court order, or with advance notice of our compliance.

Children 13 or Under:

In general, ClipArtPlace is a general interest/audience site and is not directed at children under the age of 13. It is ClipArtPlace ‘s policy to refrain from knowingly collecting personally identifying information from children 13 or under and to actively discourage children from providing such information at points of collection.

To the extent that ClipArtPlace ever becomes directed at children 13 or under and knowingly collects personally identifying information from those children (such as full name, home address, email address, telephone number or any other information that would allow someone to identify or contact the child) it is ClipArtPlace policy to include parental notice and/or consent features consistent with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. In short, and depending on the nature and intended use of the information at issue, if we ever collect personally identifying information from children, we will provide parental notice or obtain verifiable parental consent as follows: in the case of notice, we will send an email to the parents or legal guardian of the child that informs them i) what information was collected, ii) what contact has been, and/or will be made, and iii) notify the parent that they may request deletion of such information and cessation of any contact; OR, in the case of consent, we inform parents or a legal guardian i) that we wish to collect personal information from the child, ii) that a parent’s or legal guardian’s verifiable consent is required for the collection, use and disclosure of the information, and iii) how the parent can provide consent.

A parent or legal guardian has the option to agree to the collection and use of the child’s information without consenting to the disclosure of the information to third parties. We will send a new notice and request for consent to parents and legal guardians if there are material changes in the collection, use or disclosure practices to which the parent or legal guardian had previously agreed.

At any time, a parent or legal guardian may revoke his/her consent or refuse to allow us further use of his/her child’s personal information and request that we delete the information. Effecting such a request can be accomplished using the contact information provided on Please note that ClipArtPlace may terminate any service provided to the child if the deleted information at issue is reasonably necessary for the child’s participation in that activity.


When we provide you with links in our emails, they may include a special tracking code unique to you which allows us to determine which content and advertisements are most popular.


“Cookies” are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive. The first time a registered member logs in to ClipArtPlace, we may put a session cookie on the user’s PC so that when the user enters the Member’s Areas of the site, he or she won’t have to keep logging in. If, at any time, a user provides other information in connection with their activities on ClipArtPlace (such as name, address, birth date, gender, etc. in connection with, e.g., entering a contest, completing a survey, or signing up for a promotional offer from or third-party advertisers), may store that information, along with the user’s email address, in its user database. only uses the information stored in its database (i) for the purpose for which the information was originally provided by a user, (ii) to pre-populate information fields in the event a user wishes to sign up for and/or subscribe to services, promotions or offers in the future, (iii) to ensure that a user will not be repeatedly exposed to the same ads, offers and promotions while visiting ClipArtPlace, and (iv) in connection with delivering content, information or newsletters which the user regularly receives from ClipArtPlace or other chosen offers from us or our partner sites.

ClipArtPlace does not require users to enable the use of cookies on their browsers in order to access the site and participate in any of the activities offered to users. In addition, a user may, at any time, request that removes any and all information about a user stored in ClipArtPlace’s database.

We will never use cookies to retrieve information from your computer that was not originally sent in a cookie.


You may unsubscribe from our services at any time. To unsubscribe from our content publications, please email: or go to our unsubscribe page.

Notification of Changes:

ClipArtPlace reserves the right to modify this privacy policy. For this reason, you should regularly check our policy.

Contacting the Web Site:

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this Web site, you can contact:

Customer Service:

Privacy was last modified: October 10th, 2014 by Noel Bryan