Category Archives: Paper Dolls

Dolly DIngle Vintage Paper Dolls

Dolly Dingle Vintage Paper dolls

Dolly Dingle Vintage Paper dolls

Dolly Dingle Vintage Paper dolls

No matter how old, girls love paper dolls. I still do. When I was a child I had a huge collection of paperdolls. My aunt would save them from popular magazines for me, and I’d eagerly look forward to each new collection of paper dolls she’d give me–what a wonderful and memorable gift they were. As an adult, I started collecting vintage and Victorian paper dolls. I’m not sure why, but I still find them utterly fascinating. One of my favorites is the Dolly Dingle Vintage Paper dolls. Doesn’t this paper doll make you want to get out the scissors and start cutting?

In the future, I’ll be sharing more of my paper doll collection with you.